Category Archives: Recreational Club



How do you describe the Eco art?

The definition according to is:

“Artwork created by an artist concerned with the state of our environment.”

Eco-art is a fresh movement led by the artist which they use nature as a medium to send them the massage. This kind of art usually has relation to nature itself and also show new window to explore and heal our relationship with it. Actually, it is new communication through nature and often nonartist partner wants to collaborate in projects.

In my opinion ,art is the way of communication to the rest of world and creatures which when it comes to the Eco-art ,you pick up the right language. Nature is the best combination of colors tonality,contrast and generally, it is the most completed artwork ever exist. When you choose nature art ,you must understand the elements and language of it and the most important to how you could use them without destroyed them.

We have different type of Eco-art ,ways artists create Eco-art:

•Artists interpret nature, creating artworks to inform us about nature and its processes, or about environmental problems we face.

•Artists interact with environmental forces, creating artworks affected or powered by the wind, water, lightning, even earthquakes.

•Artists re-envision our relationship to nature, proposing through their work new ways for us to co-exist with our environment.

•Artists reclaim and remediate damaged environments, restoring nature in the artistic and often aesthetic way.

In a simple word,each artist has their own way to describe Eco art some of them just using natural elements such as stone ,wood ,leaf ,sand or even water to create the piece of art which remind the viewer missing part of natural life and the connection.These works usually exhibit in opposite atmospheres such as modern buildings or street to be a new window to nature.

In the other side,there are artists who make the art from the trash which other people release in nature.Actually, they collect them and recycle them to show them a response to the mother of nature and say to the people how human and modern society tries to destroy it.These artists also are part of recycling art but in relation to nature.

We could involve lots of art movement into this area such as land art ,environmental art ,sustainable art , the landscape painting or even photography ,but all of them are just a way to somehow protect the earth and inform others to be more conscious .

Why is it important to reduce,reuse,recycle and refuse?

We live in a time of throw away and wasting our resources which really matter to how to react to it and protect our earth to be usable for next generation and not become just a beautiful memory for them. I think we must refuse to overuse plastic materials,water,wood and oil sources ,then find out ways of using clean energy such as the wind and the sun to don’t pollute the earth .

When we use reduce word,it means we passed the normal and ordinary line which continuing the same way will have tough requital from the mother of nature.In this world what we do has the reaction because energy would not die and just change,so if we just use and don’t care it will come back to us soon.We must stop polluting water,air, and lands with chemical and trashes which not transform for long terms,and when they vanish it will be too late to find the solution and the next war is about clean water not oil anymore.

In the old time ,when there isn’t too much plastic ,we used glass or reusable material to storage things so it reuses for a long time and then recycles them after that.But now everything become one-time use and made of plastic which could not come back to the normal cycle.So in this area we must find new methods of living,for example;if we could use something overland again don’t put them in trash or use them in the other way if possible or even collect them and bring them for recycling to don’t waste it. The trash is gold, not wastage because we paid a lot to have them and the payment is not just money,we paid them with our Earth.

Have you ever experience involve in this kind of activities before?

The “re-create if” is my first organized Eco-friendly activity. I had lots of knowledge based activities which we try to remind people to change the attitude in different situation and events but I didn’t do anything in action as a group.I love nature and I respect to it too much and feel responsible for all of my action so I was careful about my habits and attitude but after this activity ,I feel that I must have more important role than before and it was just beginning .

Do you feel the project was the success ? If Yes why?If No,why not?

The project was small and include just part of the shore ,but with little changes, we could affect positively to the big problem.During that day you could see the changes in people which didn’t put trash anymore because they saw us when we clean the beach and this is important. We transform the trash to some form of art which was beautiful in that case so we change bad to good and that is the positive attitude to do and present.So I think it was a really successful project to clean our earth and recycle our things in good matter.

What do you each find most interesting /satisfying about working as part of this program ?

I was the art director for this project,so for me was a challenge to show bad things in a good way.The first part was about how to attract people to the poster to come and join us and how to use suitable words to don’t feel disgusted .So I decided to remind the beauty of the beach before trash and used the effect of making a new thing from old one.

The big challenge was when we collect too many different things.I was struggling to how to use them beside of each other so decide to separate them in the different collection and look at the in another way.I wanted to remind beauty of the sea and the creature in it so suddenly it comes to my mind to make a mermaid from trash and someone called it The Trash-maid .

We did all together and I just give the main idea,which was useless without great group work.The whole time that I had proud feeling to be useful in my role.

What do you differently in future?

If it possible to organize this kind of activity in future,I will make it as big as possible ,also in the huge area and try to include normal people to join for it even as a competition. Because the main purpose of this kind of activities isn’t just collecting the trash which machine also could do this,but the changing behavior and treat to our environment and save them for a long time ,so next generation will enjoy it like us.

In my opinion, this kind of organization must support by government or big companies which somehow has participated in pollution of our environment .This will give the responsible feeling to normal people to join in it.


After lots of research to find the proper club to practice some activity,we start to plan and organize an event for ourselves. Next, we took responsibilities for each part to prove our skills and learn to how to run a committee.Our team is like this…
1. Satish M. (Leader)
2. Mohamad Hatmi (Photographer)
3. Jeffry Jilan (food and beverage)
4. Siti Aisyah (Treasury)
5. Mohd Talib (logistic)
6. Samira Jamali (Creative Designer)
7. Alexis Lyndy (Assistant Leader and Secretary)

Recreational Club


Recreational, from the term recreation, it is an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working. Recreational means, relating or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working. It refers to the time spent in an activity one loves to engage in, with intent to feel refreshed.

Recreational activities help you to take a break from monotony and diversion from the daily routine. It gives people the benefit of a positive change from the stereotypical lifestyle and involves an active participation in entertaining activities that one is interested in. When one does engage in recreating activities that he or she likes, it would naturally give them enjoyment. Recreational activities provide source of joy and relaxation to one’s mind and body.

Aside from giving you the enjoyment that you would want, recreational activities also give you an opportunity for you to be able to spend time with yourself. Having the time to spend with yourself can make you meet your inner self. It will give you an opportunity to know more about yourself deeper.

Also, other recreational activities can give you time to be with your family. You will bond through the activities and give yourselves plenty of opportunity to talk about personal thoughts and updates on each and everyone’s life. After all, you are a family. You must be able to know things about them and of course be close.

Recreational activities could also help you develop your leadership skills as well as interpersonal skills. As certain recreational activities need a lot of members, someone should be able to lead and guide through the course of the game. And since there are a lot of members, each should be able to communicate with each other. Each should be able to share their thought on their strategies for the activities thus resulting to developing your interpersonal skill.

Recreation is of two types per type: Passive and active, indoor and outdoor, group and solo.